
Matzah Ball Soup

Matzah Ball Soup

I love Matzah Ball Soup. The seemingly simple combination of chicken broth and matzah "dumplings" is so comforting and delicious. For my own Matzah Ball Soup recipe I wanted a clear broth, fluffy (not dense) matzah balls with deep flavor, and appropriate garnishes. 

Homemade Chicken Stock

Homemade Chicken Stock

A deeply flavorful, complex, clear chicken stock is the base of many great recipes. Here's a fool-proof way to make your own at home.

Chicken and Dumplings

Chicken and Dumplings

This chicken and dumplings is one of the most satisfying things for me to cook because while it does take a little bit of effort, that effort is rewarded tenfold with a soup you'll be both proud to share and selfishly want to keep all for yourself.